Friday, July 20, 2012

The Beginning

And so begins my attempt at documenting, both for myself and for others, my journey to becoming normal.

Let's address the elephant in the room (I abhor that phrase): there is no normal.  Normal is NOT normal.  Trust me, I'd rather be what I am.  Except I wouldn't.  I say normal as a way to quantify or put a label on what and how I would like to be.  Normal to me means living very differently than I have for the past 26 years.  Normal means not having to guess, second guess and then guess again every decision of every hour of every day.

So, let's start with the obvious; why am I writing this? I'm in therapy, have been, will continue to be until the end of time, and I can't stand writing in a journal.  I've always been better at stream-of-consciousness-type writing and that serves me better on a computer than it does on paper.  I'm not a good writer.  This will serve as a way to gather my thoughts and let me 'let loose.' I only choose to make it somewhat public as a way to maybe reach out to other people.  I'd be satisfied if no one read it but my Mom.

Who the hell am I?

 ~~I've decided that since this is going to be my 'brain' I'm not going to mince words.  I have another blog that's been around for a while, and I censored it.  And I never felt like it was truly 'me'.  So I'm going to write as I think; you might not like it. ~~ 

Let's do this like a 3rd-grade essay! My name is Tricia.  I'm 26 years old.  I live in Richmond, Virginia. I have a husband, a dog, and a job.  I have OCD, severe anxiety, and depression.  I'm on Prozac.  I'm in therapy.  I like to run, read, and watch movies.  The end.